
VA Automotive AB

Organisationsnummer: 556065-4948

  • Besöksadress:
  • Norra kringelvägen 13-15
  • 281 38 HÄSSLEHOLM
  • Tel: +46 451 425 00

Om företaget

VA Automotive i Hässleholm AB delivers complete, innovative and cost-effective solutions. We mainly serve the vehicle and engineering industries, providing everything from tooling and production equipment to finished components.
The engineering tradition within the group constitutes an important knowledge base for our operations. Our broad and longstanding experience of safety products guarantees that high demands on safety,functionality and quality are met in everything we do. VA Automotive includes: SwePart Verktyg, Lidhs Verktyg, PR ToolDesign, Ningbo Modern Tools, VA International, Nya IndustriTeknik and Läreda Mekan

Exempel på produkter

VA Automotive i Hässleholm AB delivers complete, innovative and cost-effective solutions


  • Omsättning: 303071 tkr