
Retention Group AB

Organisationsnummer: 556633-6722

  • Besöksadress:
  • Turning Torso
  • 211 15 MALMÖ

Om företaget

We help Scandinavian companies to grow on the worlds most dynamic market, China. Retention has a unique business focus, we specialize in helping Scandinavian companies to find the right management for their operation in China. With over 7 years of experience and over  300 completed assignments on Top Management level we have a profound knowledge of what type of profiles that will create results. Through our constantly growing network of mostly Scandinavian and Western profiles, with extensive China experience, we know where to find them. Transparancy is crucial for success and through our HQ in Malmö and our site in Shanghai we are able to work close to our Clients Scandinavian HQ as well as their local operation in China.

Exempel på produkter

Scandinavian Executive Search Company


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