InMotion Technologies AB
Organisationsnummer: 556968-6511
- Besöksadress:
- Solkraftsvägen 13
- 135 70 STOCKHOLM
- Tel: +46 8 6826400
- Kontaktperson:
- Claes Avasjö
- E-post: Mejla Claes
- Tel: +46 8 6826514
Om företaget
Inmotion is a global supplier of electric motors, motor controllers, and auxiliary equipment for the industrial vehicle industry.
Our customers are electric and hybrid vehicle OEMs who have high requirements on quality and reliability, on-time-delivery, cost efficiency, as well as optimal integration into the target vehicle.
Exempel på produkter
- Antal anställda: 139 st
- Omsättning: 500155 tkr