
Escenda Engineering AB

Organisationsnummer: 556798-1286

  • Besöksadress:
  • Lindholmspiren 7 A 3TR
  • 417 56 GÖTEBORG

Om företaget

Based in Gothenburg, Escenda is a leader in product engineering and design for Swedens automotive sector.

We offer a full-service local offices for suppliers to, mainly but not exclusively, the automotive industry. Our extensive contact network and knowledge of business culture can be of great value for companies new to the Swedish market or lacking own representation.

Escenda can provide advisory services as well as direct involvement. Coordination, project management and manning or even linking projects in a profitable and time-efficient way.

Even the best ideas need help and guidance to reach the market. An exciting part of Escendas offer is the innovation development. We assist you and your new idea all the way or through the phases you decide. In-house at Escenda, in a partnership with an OEM or with other actors. Innovative products require innovative ways and means of co-operation.

Escenda creates value by offering product development services to clients operating on a global market. We are driven by passion, innovative thinking and a desire to make a difference. With our products and services, we want to improve and simplify life for people and companies all over the world.

Automotive engineering is probably the most refined and efficiency-driven in todays industry. We are proud of the fact that it is our origin and our core business.

In 2017, Escenda was acquired by TATA Technologies.
TATA Technologies is a global leader in engineering services, outsourcing, product development, IT services to the global manufacturing industry; enabling ambitious manufacturing companies to design and build better products. A company of innovators, specialists in the design engineering space, who apply cutting-edge technology to provide a competitive advantage to customers in the manufacturing sector.


  • Antal anställda: 69 st
  • Omsättning: 203624 tkr