
  • 5 Mars, 2020
  • Volvo Buses and Mexico city bus rapid transit system

  • Workshop: Mexico City Bus rapid transit system development.

    Business Sweden together with Volvo Buses and Metrobus, Mexico City Public transport authorities organizing workshop about Mexico City Bus rapid transit system development.

    Mexico City is rapidly growing and ranks among the five largest cities in the world. With an expanding metropolitan area and a population of 25 million people, travel times are constantly increasing and there are great needs for improved public transport solutions.

    The Mexico City government has identified bus as a key mode of transport to enhance mobility and the government has recently announced it will renew urban bus fleets, create new bus lines and extend already existing networks.

    can provide solutions for a rapidly-changing market.

    “We have decided on actions that would mobilize 485 billion pesos that would allow us to boost the creation of infrastructure projects, incentivize infrastructure investment and private consumption,” Herrera said at a press conference”-   Mexican Finance Minister Arturo Herrera.

    As first step in the development Metrobus going to order 120 busses 2020

    Volvo Buses has during its 20 years in Mexico become one of the Mexico’s leading bus manufacturers and a trusted provider to Mexican governments. Mexico City´s politics on transport will undoubtedly further boost Volvo´s production and create business opportunities for its suppliers.


    • Oleg Zastenker, Business Sweden Automotive, Introduction
    • Moshe Wiener, Commercial Director, Volvo Buses Mexico  Volvo busses developing public transportation in Mexico
    • Roberto Capuano, VD Mexico City Public transport authorities, Metrobus Mexico City infrastructure development
    • Ernst Lundberg, Business Sweden Mexico City  Market overview, doing business in Mexico
    • Q&A

    Join us for an exciting seminar regarding the opportunities for Swedish automotive suppliers related to Mexico City´s strategic mobility plan.

    klick here for invitation and registration

    For more information please contact:

    Oleg Zastenker, Business Sweden – 0708949202, oleg.zastenker@business-sweden.se


    Date: 5 mars 2020


    Venue:  Elite Park Avenue Hotel Göteborg

    Participation: Free of charge.

    Limited number of seats, available on a first-come, first-served basis