
  • 5 Maj, 2021
  • The Manufacturing Cluster Conference 2021

  • The Swedish manufacturing R&D cluster

    How far have we reached and where are we moving? What steps have been taken and what will happen in the future regarding sustainable production?

    These questions will be answered at the Manufacturing R&D Cluster Conference, May 5 – 6, 2021. Leaders from Volvo Group, Volvo Cars, Scania CV, and The Scandinavian Automotive Supplier Association (FKG) will give concrete examples of measures they have already introduced and their plans for further digitization and sustainability of production systems and value chains.

    Welcome to the annual Manufacturing R&D Cluster Conference on May 5-6, 2021!
    This year with the theme: Sustainable manufacturing – green value chains

    The conference is digital, in English and free of charge, but only registered participants will receive the presentations afterwards. Reserve May 5-6, 2021 in your agenda!

    For more information and registration please click HERE.