
  • 30 September, 2020
  • Produktionsklustrets årliga konferens

  • Welcome to Production Cluster’s annual Conference 2020

    Meeting place for production technology in Sweden
    Here, research results from current production engineering projects are presented, all of which are important elements for strengthening Sweden’s continued success as an industrial nation. We look forward to a very well attended meeting Place! Welcome with your registrationProgram and register here

    Day 1 – September 30
    Responsible for the day: Anna Davidsson, Volvo Cars and Johan Svenningstorp, Volvo Group Trucks Operations
    Topics: Production Management, Joining, Component Manufacture, Logistics, Assembly, Forming, Digital Manufacturing, Sustainability
    Sustainable production, Mats Torring, Stena MetallIs
    Is stainable production a competitive advantage globally?
    Moderator: Jenny Bramell, IUC Sverige, Programrådets Ordförande, FFI Hållbar Produktion
    Pernilla Walkenström, RISE and Strategy Board för produktionsklustren: Staffan Vidén, AB Volvo, Lars-Henrik Jörnving, Scania CV AB, Jens Wårdell, Volvo Cars, Peter Bryntesson, FKG

    Day 2 – October 1
    Responsible for the day:
    Mariam Nafisi, Scania CV AB and Peter Bryntesson, Fordonskomponentgruppen
    Topics: Component Manufacture, Additive Manufacturing, Digitalization of value chains, Surface Treatment, Geometry & Quality, Education in co-operation: Academy-Industry
    Sustainable production, Peter Löfgren, ABB
    Aligning business and design logics for a circular economy, Thomas Nyström and Peter Algurén, RISE

    Our vision is to develop economically and environmentally sustainable manufacturing systems that are capable of effectively supplying the market with innovative products of the future. For this purpose, the Swedish automotive industry has initiated a structure for coordination of research and development – The Swedish Manufacturing R&D Clusters.

    The conference is organized by the production clusters together with leading R&D organizations in Sweden. Main organizers are the automotive industry in Sweden in collaboration with the Vehicle Components Group, RISE, Production2030 and FFI Sustainable Production

    We look forward to meeting you!
    Production Cluster’s program committee

    Anna Davidsson
    Volvo Cars
    Johan Svenningstorp
    Volvo Group Trucks Operations
    Boel Wadman
    Mariam Nafisi
    Scania CV AB
    Peter Bryntesson
    Carina Egeman