
  • 7 Oktober, 2020
  • Platform and Ecosystem Strategy for a stronger and more innovative industrial sector

  • Digital seminar

    There has been a radical and disruptive change the last 10 years. Companies that we used to know as the most valuable and successful are replaced by big tech giants. A vast majority of these companies are formed in the US and Asian and Europe is falling behind. This exponential change took off in the consumer space but your industry is up next. It is in fact already happening but we sometimes don’t see it because the business mechanics is different from what we are used to. It is about being digital to the core and benefit from really low distribution costs but it is also about a different business model.


    The digital seminar starts with a check-in at 08:50. Lectures are alternated with discussions and examples from industry. Towards the end, a panel will discuss questions and concerns to the topic. Make shure to post your questions at the end of form below or via an e-mail to Magnus Mörstam. The session is is rounded off with tips for continued work and a summary.

    • 9:00 — 10:00 Welcome and introduction to the concept of digital platforms and ecosystems – Alexandra LarssonCombitech, Chief Information Architect – Head of Ecosystem Facilitation and Platformization and Fredrik Svahn, Associate professor at the Department of Applied Information Technology, University of Gothenburg.
    • 10:00 — 11:00 Case studies from SydvedMicrosoftAmazon and Siemens.
    • 11:00 — 12:00 Panel, tips and summery.

    More information and registration HERE.