
  • 27 Januari, 2020
  • Lunchseminarium: Den amerikanska automotive marknaden

  • Latest Developments and Key Trends Shaping the U.S. Automotive Market

    Business Sweden will be hosting a presentation focused on the U.S. Automotive Market in 2020 sharing the latest insights for Swedish companies gained through speaking with local industry stakeholders in collaboration with the Swedish Energy Agency.

    While the U.S. Automotive industry slowed down slightly in 2019, it is projected to bounce back in 2020 regardless of global uncertainties affecting many industries. The U.S. remains the world’s second largest vehicle market and there are various prioritized innovation areas representing opportunities for Swedish companies and solutions to gain traction in the U.S. market. Capabilities within sustainable technologies are key competences of several Swedish companies, as are safety aspects that will be imperative moving forward in further developing automotive vehicles. The opportunities are not only limited to the larger Swedish automotive companies, but also the innovative and disruptive ones that can provide solutions for a rapidly-changing market.

    Topics presented will include

    • U.S. market overview, recent developments and industry forecast
    • Key Trends/Challenges in U.S. market facing OEMs and Suppliers
    • Opportunity Areas for Swedish companies in electrification, light weighting, fuel cells
    • Best practices for U.S. market entry/expansion

    Date: 27 January 2020


    Venue:  AI Innovation of Sweden, Lindholmspiren 11, 417 56 Göteborg

    Participation: Free of charge.

    Lunch will be served (Wrap or similar).

    Limited number of seats, available on a first-come, first-served basis.

    klick here for invitation and registration