
  • 10 April, 2024
  • Clepa: Conected vehicle security – How to master regulatory compliance?

  • How can vehicles be effectively secured to meet the latest cyber security standards?

    The growing concerns surrounding hacking incidents have prompted an escalation in efforts to regulate cyber security requirements for automobiles. However, cyber security risks and responding regulatory measures require significant changes in how our industry operates. UN 155 regulations will for instance significantly shape how our industry approaches cyber security, raising questions regarding On-Board-Diagnostics (OBD) and service innovation.

    Drawing from their extensive experience in the automotive industry, two seasoned experts from IBM will provide invaluable insights into the current regulatory landscape and considerations for implementing security measures. They will delve into topics such as attack surface analysis, requisite tooling, and procedural adjustments, proposing a comprehensive Zero Trust framework and a holistic approach tailored to safeguarding your business against multiple risk scenarios.

    Meet our speakers:

    • Nicole Roik, Head of Technology for Security and Product Edge, IBM
    • Daniel Knoedler, Director Client Engagement, IBM

    When? 10 April 2024 16.00-17.00

    For more information and registration, please click HERE.