- 28 November, 2024
Compete-nce: Evolving African Autoindustry & Value Chain Development
What’s happening in the African automotive industry?
At FKG, we see Africa as an important and growing market within the automotive industry, which is why we invite our members to the seminar Compete-nce: Evolving African Autoindustry & Value Chain Development.
During the seminar, Dave Coffey from AAAM (African Association of Automotive Manufacturers) will provide an overview of the developments within the African automotive industry. He will highlight how AAAM is working with African governments to unlock the continent’s economic potential by promoting the automotive sector and building a network of stakeholders that are driving the industry forward.
Dave will also discuss the key regions that are strategically important for automotive production, including countries like Nigeria, Ghana, Egypt, Kenya, Morocco, Ethiopia, and South Africa. The focus will be on how these countries can specialize and contribute to the development of regional value chains. The seminar will also address new opportunities in the automotive sector, where tailored technologies and solutions are designed to meet local conditions and resources.
This seminar offers a unique opportunity to understand Africa’s growing role in the global automotive industry and how your company can benefit from these emerging business opportunities.
When? November 28th, from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM via Teams.
Registration? Send an email with your name and company name to info@fkg.se.
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