About FKG

What is FKG?

FKG, the Vehicle Components Group, is the industry organization for the Scandinavian suppliers to the automotive industry. For almost 30 years, we have helped our  approx. 300 member companies to develop as suppliers by actively working as the industry’s spokesperson towards industry, politicians, authorities and the media. We also work with creating meeting places, strengthening relationships and opportunities for growth as well as with the industry’s expertise (read more about what you get as a member HERE). FKG also runs the women’s network “Kvinnan i Leverantörsindustrin” and  thus created a meeting place for women in the automotive industry.

Lina Galow, Gabriella Virdarson och Peter Bryntesson

Lina Galow, Gabriella Virdarson and Peter Bryntesson

The office consists of two full-time employees – Peter Bryntesson and Gabriella Virdarson, who work every day for the suppliers’ continued competitiveness. To help them there are part-time employees Lina Galow, FKG’s resource in Germany, and finance manager Inger Järbratt. FKG’s former CEO Fredrik Sidahl now works more with FFI – vehicle strategic research and innovation, Sweden’s largest research program in which FKG is an industrial partner. FKG works all over the Nordic region, but the office is located at Lindholmspiren in Gothenburg.

FKG is a member of Clepa, the European supplier organization and uses this network to cultivate contacts and strengthen the position of suppliers. Legally speaking, we are a non-profit association, which in turn owns a limited company where all operations take place. The general meeting appoints the board of directors in both the association and the limited company. As in all associations, operations and membership are regulated by the association’s statutes.

At FKG, you get help with everything from law and industry analyzes to finding a partner for your business.

In our work, we mainly focus on the following 4 areas:

SME: Many of our members are SMEs, which means that you don’t always have the same types of muscle as the larger companies. We support these companies with things such as environmental monitoring and lobbying to simplify processes. Another important aspect is that we represent these small companies, both in industry issues that are pursued in the media and the political space, but also when it comes to an external party having questions about the industry (i.e.  for example, an authority has questions about small suppliers, we must always have answers and the right information).

Transition: The automotive industry is currently in the biggest transition the industry has ever seen, the transition from the internal combustion engine to the electric powertrain. FKG is always up-to-date in this area, so that the industry, but above all our members, have access to the right information and concrete intelligence going forward. It is needed for competitiveness.

Competence: With the change comes new competence. FKG works actively to know what skills are needed, and to arrange and support various initiatives to meet the need.

Locally produced: Sustainability is one of today’s most topical areas. Not only economical and social, but also the environmental. Added to this are the lessons learned from the pandemic – what a vulnerable chain it becomes with different rules in different parts of the world and long transport distances. FKG therefore works a lot with the concept of locally produced, and how to make the best use of it.

Are you interested in becoming a member? Get in touch with US or read more HERE.

Swedish Automotive Industry

The Scandinavian Automotive Supplier Association, FKG is the trade association for the Scandinavian suppliers to the automotive industry.

FKG has around 300 member companies, ranging from large Tier-1 to start-ups. FKG works closely with members, OEMs, academia and government agencies to strengthen and promote the development and green transition of the Swedish automotive industry. The Swedish automotive supplier industry has many strengths, we call it Swedish Supplier Power.

Automotive eco system

From production of highest quality raw materials to state-of-the-art R&D and testing capabilities Sweden has competence and capacity throughout the complete value chain.

For example, the Gothenburg region is in the forefront of sustainable mobility solutions with OEMs and leading actors in electromobility and a growing network of suppliers. And about 20% of the global production of transmission parts for heavy vehicles are produced in Sweden, mostly concentrated to the Mälardalen region.

Find out more on for example: Business Region Göteborg  www.businessregiongoteborg.se, Fordonsdalen  www.fordonsdalen.se.


Did You know that the Swedish market share for heavy diesel trucks is 1/3 of the European market? We supply the parts that make this happen. Swedish suppliers offer competitive solutions with efficient, automated production of high-quality raw material, parts and components. The open and collaborative mindset and the Swedish model of co-operation between supplier and customer in early stages of development makes for successful partnerships.

To find Swedish suppliers use the FKG Industry search or the list of members.


Did You know that Sweden is covered to 17% by blueberry plants? Living close to nature and setting high standards to protect it, is in our DNA. In 2021 Sweden again ranked number 1 on Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index (GSCI)  The Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index (solability.com)  and number 1 on Earth.Org Global Sustainability Index.  Sweden – Ranked 1st in the Global Sustainability Index | Earth.Org Together with other industry actors FKG has taken the initiative to develop a sustainability certificate for automotive components – making it easier to make environmentally responsible and competitive supplier choices.


Sweden has set the goal to reduce emissions from the transport sector by 70% until 2030. Industry actors, research and government agencies are working together to electrify transports on road, air and sea. This means developing and optimizing all aspects of e-mobility solutions.  Already 98% of the electricity production in Sweden comes from non-fossil fuels. Sweden aims to be the first carbon neutral OECD country by 2045.

The Swedish Energy Agency  Swedish Energy Agency (energimyndigheten.se) Smart City Sweden smartcitysweden.com


Did You know that Spotify, Skype, Mindcraft and Klarna are all Swedish digital products? We use this know-how in the automotive industry as well.

Sweden consistently ranks in the top tier of international indexes measuring digitalization (Digital Economy and Society Index, Network Readiness Index).


The Swedish culture promotes openness and tolerance to new ideas and innovation. As a result, Sweden consistently ranks high in R&D investments in relation to GDP and has a thriving start-up scene. The automotive research programme FFI, for strategic vehicle research and innovation, finances research for around 100 million EUR per year with the vision for Sweden to lead the global transformation to sustainable road transports. It is a cooperation between Sweden’s innovation agency Vinnova, The Swedish Transport Administration, The Swedish Energy Agency and the automotive industry; Scania CV AB, AB Volvo, Volvo Cars and FKG.  FFI’s vision is for Sweden to lead the global transformation to sustainable road transports.

Fordonsstrategisk forskning och innovation | FFI | Vinnova


Chairman of the board in The Scandinavian Automotive Supplier Association is Martin Lidén, Vice President Fleet Inventory at VOI Technology.
E-mail: martin.liden@voi.com

Members of the board 2022:

Christina Holgerson, VBG Group AB

Johan Gente, SKF AB

Linda Nyquist – Evenrud, Kongsberg AS

Boel Wadman, RISE

Cecilia Schülén, HRM EDAG Engineering AB

Mats Bohman, THERE4U Group

Jan-Eric Petersson, Nitator

Peter Bryntesson, VD FKG

Status & Policy

Below, you will find our status as pdf’s.

Finances and resources

By having a small, permanent staff and instead of cooperating with engaged resources for projects and activities, we have succeeded in building a strong financial situation. The total turnover varies strongly over time where the basis consists of fees from the member companies.

The Scandinavian Automotive Supplier Association also runs activities as projects with grants and support from the authorities Vinnova and Tillväxtverket. The projects are administrated by The Scandinavian Automotive Supplier Association and the grants go to the automotive supplier industry.



3nine AB

A - C

AB Autometall

AB Effektiv Göteborg

AB Formplast


Absortech International AB

Academic Work Solutions AB

Accilator Technologies

Actia Nordic AB

Adient Sweden AB

Adigo Drives AB

ÅF Industry AB


AGES Casting Kulltorp AB

AGES Casting Unnaryd AB

AGES Industri AB

AGES Machining Falkenberg AB

AGES Värnamo AB

Akwel Sweden AB

Albin Components AB

Alfdex AB

Allendorff Consulting AB

Alps Alpine Europe GmbH – Sweden Filial

Alteams Group

AM System

Andrénplast AB

AnVa Components Aktiebolag


Aptiv Contract Services Sweden

AQ Group AB


Aros Electronics AB

Artex AB

Arthur D. Little AB

Assured AB

AstaZero AB


Aurobay (Powertrain Engineering Sweden AB)

Autocom Diagnostic Partner

Autodata Ltd

Autoform i Malung Aktiebolag

Autoliv Sverige AB

Automotive Components Floby AB

AVL List Nordiska AB

AVL MTC Motortestcenter AB

Axalta Coating Systems Sweden AB

Baltic Automotive Components Cluster


Becker industrial Coatings AB

Bendiro Profile Tech AB

BEWi Automotive AB

Blowtech GP AB

Bodycote Ytbehandling AB

Boxon Group AB

Bror Tonsjö AB

Brose Sweden AB

BTM Scandinavia AB

Bulten AB

Business Region Skaraborg

Cabeco AB

CabinAir Sweden AB

CAE Value AB

Calix AB

CANEA Partner Group Aktiebolag

Cascade Drives AB

Certainli AB

Chaintraced AB


Chassis Autonomy SBA AB


Cipax Industri AB

CJ Automotive AB

Cognitian AB

Colmeo AB

Combitech AB

ContiTech Scandinavia AB

Creare Form AB

CTEK Sweden AB

D - F

Dafo Vehicle Fire Protection AB

Data Respons Solutions AB

Denso Sales Sweden AB

Desay SV Automotive Scandinavia AB

DevPort AB

DFDS Logistics Contracts

DNV Business Assurance Sweden AB

Dominion SPC AB

Dual Borgstena Sweden AB

EDAG Engineering Scandinavia AB

EFD Induction AS

EFESO Consulting AB

EG Electronics AB

EJOT Sverige AB

Ekenäs Mekaniska AB

Ekets group

Elmo Sweden AB

Elonroad AB

EMAB Sweden AB

Emerson Process Management AB

Empir Industry AB

EssKå Metall AB

Eurimex AB

Euroform AB

EWAB Engineering AB


Exotec i Eksjö AB

Farsund Alu Casting AS se Benteler

Fastlane Devs AB

FEV Sverige AB

FineCell Sweden AB

Finstansteknik i Ulricehamn AB

Flexound Augmented Audio

Fogmaker International AB

Fortaco AB


Främmestadverken AB

Fuel Cell Technology Sweden AB

Fundo Components AB

G - I

Gapwaves AB

Gestamp Hardtech AB

Gimic AB

Gnotec AB

Gnutti Carlo Sweden AB

Goodtech Solutions AB

Gränges Sweden AB

H&D Wireless

H2X Gothenburg AB

Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH Sweden Filial


Heléns Rör AB

Hellermann Tyton AB

Holsby Metall AB

HordaGruppen AB

Host Mobility AB

HTS Besafe AS

Hydal Aluminium Profiler AB

Hydal Aluminium Profiler AS

IAC Group Sweden AB

IAV Automotive Engineering AB

ICE – Italienska Statens Utrikeshandelsbyrå (Italian Trade Agency)


IDIADA Automotive Technology S. A. Sweden Filial

Impetusafea AB

Industrilås AB

InMotion Technologies AB

International Aluminium Casting Sweden AB


Ionbond Sweden AB


ISEA Sweden

J - L

JobsOhio c/o Mageco

Johnson Matthey AB

JOT Automation Filial Sverige

JTEKT Column Systems Sweden AB

KB Components AB

KG Knutsson AB, Division OE

Klimator AB

Klippan Safety AB

Konga Måleri AB

Kongsberg Automotive AB

Kongsberg Automotive ASA

Kongsberg Devotek AS


Kuehne + Nagel AB

KUKA Nordic AB

Lantz Teknik AB

LeanNova Engineering AB

Leax Quality AB

Lideco AB

Lidhs Verktygsindustri AB

Ljungby Maskin AB

LKN Industriautomation

Lohmann Nordic AB

Luca Mezzo

Luvly AB

M - O

Magna Electronics Sweden AB

Mattssons i Anderstorp AB

Mentalytics AB

Miljöbil Grenland AS

Mitsubishi Electric Automotive Europe

Mobile Climate Control Sverige AB

Monitor ERP System AB

National Bredaryd

National Halmstad

National Högsäter

Nira Dynamics AB

Nitator i Oskarström AB

Nolato AB

Nolato Gota AB

Nolato Lövepac AB

Nolato Plastteknik AB

Nolato Polymer AB

Nolato Sunne AB

Nolato Torekov AB

Nominit AB

Nordic Interim AB

NordiQ Group AB

Norma Sweden AB

Norsk Industri

NorStark AB

Nya Arvika Gjuteri AB

Oetiker Sweden AB fd Levi P.

Öhlins Racing AB

Opcon AB

Optea AB

Ovako Sweden AB

Ovako Tube & Ring AB

P - R

PipeChain Networks AB

Plasman Industri AB

Plastal AS

Plasto AS

Position Väst / del av Fyrbodals Kommunalförbund

PowerCell Sweden AB

Preciform Aktiebolag

Press Kogyo Sweden AB

Prestando i Trelleborg AB

ProcuArt AB

Procurator Sverige AB

ProfilGruppen Extrusions AB

Promens AS

Protolabs (associerade medlemmar)

Proton Engineering AB

Proton Finishing AB

Proton Technology AB

QRtech AB

Ragasco AS

Ramboll Sweden AB

Rausfoss Technology AS


Reka Kumi OY

Reliefed AB

Riio Marknad & Strategi AB

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB

RMIG Sweden AB

Robert Bosch AB

Rototest International AB

Ruukki Sverige AB

S - U

S.Y.F Ytservice AB (Svensk Ytbehandlings Förening, SYF)

Samhall AB

Scan Global Logistics AB

Scandinavian Enviro Systems

Schaeffler Sverige AB

Segula Technologies AB


Semcon Sweden AB

SenseAir AB


SETEK Systems AB

Sevenco AB

Shiloh Industries AB

Sibbhultsverken AB

SKF AB Automotive Division

Smart Eye AB

Smarteq Wireless AB

Smidesprodukter AB

SMSC Sweden / Microchip Technology Inc.

Södertälje Science Park AB

Solderman AB

Spring Systems i Torsås AB


SSAB Europe Oy

Stafa Industrier AS (Stansefabrikken)

Stanley Engineered Fastening

Starsprings Sweden AB

Stilride AB

Stoneridge Electronics AB

Strömsholmen AB

Summ Systems AB

Sunway Communication AB

Suzuki Garphyttan AB


Swedec Pneumatic AB

Swedish Advanced Automotive Business AB

Swedish-Lithuanian Tools AB

Swedmec AB

SwePart Transmission AB

Swerim AB

T Engineering AB

Talent Plastics Aktiebolag

Tata Steel International (Sweden) AB

TechROi Scandinavia AB

tesa AB

Texla Industri AB

Thor Ahlgren AB

Thule Sweden AB

TI Group Automotive Systems AS

Timars Svets & Smide AB

TitanX Holding AB

TM Edge Consulting AB

TNG Group AB

Tordivel AS

TR Fastenings AB

Tructric AB

UBD Cleantech AB

Uniquesec AB

V - Ö

Vätterleden Invest AB

VBG Group AB

Vidde Snow Mobility AB

Viktoria Swedish ICT AB

Wiretronic AB

WRKFRC Quality Services

XANO Industri AB (publ)

XDIN, Inc (Associerad medlem)

Yrkesakademin YH

Zeekr Technology Europe AB

Zemission AB

Zenseact AB


The Scandinavian Automotive Supplier Association cooperates with different associations, authorities and companies – the aim is to support our members.

Our five biggest partners are Mobility Sweden, Norsk industri Norpart and the European association for suppliers – Clepa, where FKG is a part of the board.

What do you get as a member of FKG?

FKG has three big areas where we work extra hard to get the best conditions for our members.

  • We are the sectors spokesperson to industry, politicians, authorities and the media.
  • We create meeting places for strengthen relationships and create network.
  • We continuously organize seminars, courses and conferences on current topics so that our members have the opportunity to be constantly updated on what is needed for successful business today. You will find the current events under the tab “Current” -> “Activities”

But it is so much more included in a membership.

A very appreciated benefit is that you as a member are welcome to participate in our Go Global trips. Go Global is our own name for delegation travel and on these we visit countries and companies that are of interest for possible establishment or cooperation. Over the years, these trips have been to, countries like Brazil, China, Russia, USA and Mexico.

Another export and market promotion activity we can assist is fair participation at both national and international fairs. We arrange common stands in interesting countries, like Germany, France and China.

As a member of FKG, you get 30 minutes of free legal advice from either Setterwall’s law firm or the law firm Wåhlin. Just tell us the topic and we will help you with whom you should turn to for the best specialized help.

FKG works closely with Vinnova and their FFI Program (Vehicle Strategic Research and Innovation). This is a collaboration between the state and the automotive industry that finances research, innovation and development with a focus on climate, environment and security. FFI finances research and development activities for about SEK 1 billion per year, of which state funding accounts for 50%. You as a member have the right to apply for funds from FFI, and we at FKG will help you through the process – From idea to application.

FKG has been running the network “The Woman in the Supplier Industry” since 2015 – a much appreciated and recognized network for women in leading positions in the automotive industry. Members of FKG are most welcome to attend these network meetings and trips. We believe and hope that this type of network helps to increase the number of women in the industry. FKG has it´s  own industry barometer and is one of many surveys that you as a member have the opportunity to participate in.

As a member you also have access to a large number of unique analyzes, reports and other information on our website, where we gather everything that we believe is relevant to you. You also have access to a more comprehensive industry search – the only search engine for subcontractors in the automotive industry, for the ability to easily find contact information for an interesting company or branch in the industry. Here you also get the opportunity to put together an attractive profile with information, logos etc of Your company. Just log in with the login details you receive when we have confirmed your membership application and a bigger world will open on our website.

Another highly appreciated membership benefit is our weekly letter which summarizes the week in the industry, what is going on at FKG and generally in the industry. Just enter all the email addresses of your company that you wish to have registered and you will get very interesting reading Friday´s every week. About 6-8 times a year we also send out our newsletter, when you can read some longer texts regarding the past month.

Our own magazine The vehicle component is sent out to all members about 4 times a year. If you do not want a paper size, it is also available on the web.

We are also on hand for more practical things – if you need a conference room in Gothenburg, we have two smaller conference rooms at Lindholmen. If you need a workplace for the day, we have a desk available at the office – you as a member are always welcome!

To make it easier to keep up to date with what’s happening, you as a member are warmly welcome to join our Linkedin group – a digital meeting place where members and other relevant people from the automotive industry meet, discuss and discover together. This group is constantly updated with information about what is happening at FKG and what seminars we recommend for you as members to be prepared for the future.

We are three people working to make sure you get the most out of your membership in FKG. Never hesitate to contact us if this is something you have in Your mind or if you just want to talk about the industry in general – we are just a phone call away. We are also happy to visit and learn Your future needs and provide you with the best conditions for the future and to act on new ideas.